
zondag 29 mei 2011

Name list for RuneQuest

Alfred the snake has no business here.

An article at the Gnome Stew advocates the use of name lists to facilitate coming up with good character names that sit well inside a setting, both for GM's naming NPC's and new players generating characters.  I went out looking for some good Celtic, Norse and Germanic names for both boys and girls!  That's over 500 of them!

Ladies first:
Achae, Aedilberg, Aedilhild, Aedilthryd, Aelbfled, Aesa, Agatha, Agnes, Ailova, Albreda, Aldiva, Alfhild, Alice, Alina, Alma, Alof, Alviva, Amice, Amicia, Arnora, Asa, Ascelina, Ascelota, Aslaug, Aud, Auwenilda, Avelina, Avice, Avicia, Beatrice, Beatrix, Bekkhild, Bera, Bestla, Bodvild, Borghild, Borgny, Bregusuid, Brigit, Brynhild, Busla, Cecilia, Cecily, Cenota, Christiana, Christina, Clarice, Claricia, Clementia, Coenburg, Constance, Custance, Cyneburg, Cynwise, Dagmaer, Dagny, Denise, Eabæ, Eadgyd, Eanfled, Earcongota, Eda, Edda, Edelina, Edelota, Edith, Edny, Elena, Emelota, Emma, Estrild, Eunice, Eustachia, Eva, Eyfura, Fjotra, Freydis, Galumvor, Geirrid, Gillian, Gillota, Gjaflaug, Goda, Godeleva, Grimhild, Groa, Gudrid, Gudrun, Gullrond, Gundreda, Gunnilda, Gunnora, Halldis, Hallfrid, Hallveig, Hawis, Hekja, Helen, Helga, Heloise, Herborg, Heresuid, Herkja, Hervor, Hild, Hildigunn, Hildigunn, Hildirid, Hjordis, Hjotra, Hleid, Hodierna, Hrafnhild, Hrodrglod, Ida, Idonea, Imeina, Ingibjorg, Ingigerd, Isabella, Isgerd, Isolda, Joan, Juliana, Kara, Katherine, Kolfrosta, Kostbera, Lettice, Lina, Lofnheid, Lofthaena, Lucia, Lyngheid, Mabel, Maisenta, Margaret, Margery, Mariota, Masota, Matilda, Nauma, Oddrun, Olive, Olvor, Oresia, Osanna, Osðryd, Pelagia, Petronilla, Philippa, Ragnhild, Rochilda, Roesia, Rosamund, Rose, Runild, Sabina, Saereid, Sarah, Scholastica, Scolastica, Seilda, Sexburg, Sibyl, Sigrid, Sigrlinn, Silksif, Sinrjod, Skjalf, Susan, Svanhvit, Swanekild, Swanhild, Sylgja, Theophania, Thjodhild, Thorgerd, Thorunn, Throa, Thurid, Tofa, Torctgyd, Unn, Vaetild, Wymarcha, Yrsa
And the men:
Adelard, Aedilberct, Aedilfrid, Aedilhum, Aedilred, Aedilualch, Aediluald, Aelfuini, Aella, Aelli, Agdi, Agnar, Alan, Albert, Albin, Alchfrid, Aldfrid, Aldhelm, Alduini, Aldwulf, Alexander, Alfred, Alrek, Alric, Alwin, An, Andhun, Andrew, Angantry, Aran, Armod, Arnfinn, Arngrim, Arnold, Arthur, Asmund, Atli, Auda, Aylwin, Bard, Barri, Bartholomew, Beiti, Benedict, Beneger, Berdun, Berenger, Bertwald, Bild, Bjarkmar, Borgar, Bosi, Brand, Brynjolf, Budli, Bui, Cædmon, Cælin, Cearl, Ceolwulf, Christopher, Coenred, Coenwalh, Constantine, Cuichelm, Cuthbert, Cynefrid, Cynegels, David, Denis, Drott, Eadbald, Eadbert, Eadfrid, Eadric, Eadwyn, Eafa, Eanfrid, Earconbert, Earpwald, Eddval, Edric, Edward, Egbert, Egfrid, Egil, Egric, Einar, Eirik, Eitil, Elias, Eni, Erp, Eustace, Everard, Eylimi, Eyolf, Eystein, Fafnir, Finnbogi, Fjolmod, Fjori, Franmar, Fray, Freki, Fridleif, Frithjof, Frodi, Fulke, Fyri, Gamel, Gardar, Gauk, Gauti, Gautrek, Geirmund, Geirrod, Geirthjof, Geoffrey, Gerard, Gervase, Gilbert, Gilling, Gjuki, Glammad, Godelot, Godfrey, Godwin, Gothorm, Granmar, Gregory, Grettir, Grim, Grimhild, Gripir, Grundi, Gudmund, Gunnar, Gunnbjorn, Gust, Guthorm, Guy, Haddig, Haeming, Hafgrim, Hagal, Hak, Haki, Hakon, Halfdan, Hamal, Hamdir, Hamon, Harald, Harek, Hauk, Havard, Hedin, Heidrek, Heimir, Helgi, Hengist, Henry, Herbert, Herbjorn, Hereric, Hereward, Herthjof, Hervard, Hildigrim, Hjalmar, Hjalm-Gunnar, Hjalprek, Hjorleif, Hjorolf, Hjorvard, Hlodvard, Hlodver, Hlothere, Hlothever, Hodbrodd, Hogni, Hoketil, Holmgeir, Horsa, Hosvir, Hraerek, Hrafknel, Hrani, Hreggvid, Hring, Hroar, Hrodmar, Hroi, Hrolf, Hrollaug, Hrosskel, Hrotti, Hugo, Humphrey, Hunding, Hunthjof, Hunwald, Hymling, Idmund, Illugi, Immin, Imsigull, Ingjald, Ioco, Irminric, Isaac, Ivar, Jarnskeggi, Jocelyn, John, Jokul, Jordan, Jormunrek, Ketil, Kjar, Knui, Kol, Krabbi, Kraki, Lagot, Laurence, Leif, Leonard, Letard, Martin, Melnir, Michael, Milo, Neri, Nicholas, Nigel, Noah, Norman, Octa, Odd, Oeric, Offa, Olaf, Olvir, Orkning, Orr, Osbert, Osfrid, Osgood, Osmer, Osmond, Osred, Osric, Oswald, Oswy, Oswyn, Otrygg, Ottar, Pagan, Paul, Peada, Penda, Peter, Philip, Rægenhere, Raevil, Raknar, Ralph, Randolph, Redwald, Ref, Reginald, Rennir, Ricardus, Ricbert, Richard, Richeman, Ringer, Robert, Rocelin, Rodstaff, Roger, Rolf, Runolf, Sabert, Saemund, Sebbi, Seeman, Sigbert, Sighard, Sighere, Sigmund, Sigurd, Simon, Sinfjotli, Sirnir, Sjolf, Skuli, Skuma, Slagfid, Smid, Snaeulf, Snaevar, Snidil, Snorri, Solomon, Sorkvir, Sorli, Soti, Sperling, Starkad, Steinthor, Stephen, Storvirk, Styr, Svafnir, Svafrlami, Svart, Svidi, Svip, Swefred, Swidhelm, Theobald, Thjodrek, Thomas, Thord, Thorfinn, Thorgeir, Thorir, Thormod, Thorstein, Thrand, Thrydwulf, Thvari, Tind, Toki, Toly, Tondbert, Tondhere, Tryfing, Turbert, Ulf, Ulfhedin, Vidgrip, Vignir, Vika, Visin, Volund, Walding, Walkelin, Walter, Warin, Wictred, Wilfrid, William, Wini, Wuffa, Wulfhere, Wuscfrea, Wymark, Wymer, Wymon, Yffi, Yngvi,

woensdag 25 mei 2011

MRQ2 / Glorantha 3rd age Demo PC's

Here are the four characters I prepared for the demo game Friday night at the club house.  I painted them over the last week, they need a bit of touching up here and there, but look allright nevertheless.
The first one is Adaken of the Hiording, a Scholar from the Angarorl household, acolyte of the Lhankor Mhy guild, looking for the egg of a scorpion man.  He's an experienced magician with some healing skill.
This ginger lass is Grimhildir, the daughter of a Hiording Huscarl and champion of the Colymar.  She's a tough fighter and Acolyte of Vinga, with some potent healing spells.  She is trained to fight in pairs.
Grimolf is the son of hunters from the Jarnolf bloodline.  He is a good fighter, with excellent survival skills, and a good tactician.  He is a young barbarian, aged 25.
Eyildir is another Vinga maiden, age 21, initiate to the cult, and a professioinal mercenary who used to work as a bodyguard to a Tarsh trader.  She has seen most of Dragon Pass.  She has been trained in fighting as a pair and has some notion of tactics.

dinsdag 24 mei 2011

Centaur Patrol

Here are the centaurs from Otherworld, and their leader is a nice Ral Partha miniature, can't find  the sculptor.

zondag 22 mei 2011

Some stuff on the workbench

 Some gobbo's on wolves that will have to act up as Gloranthan Tusk Riders.
 The Otherworld centaur Patrol looks great.
Two dragonewts on demi birds, currently getting some base color on.

zaterdag 21 mei 2011

zaterdag 7 mei 2011

Game night at HQ

Here are a few pictures from last night’s game night.

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A game of Warhammer.

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The Malifaux table.

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A game of Diplomacy with 7 players.

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A game of Ticket to ride.

vrijdag 6 mei 2011

More progress at the new club house!



Mr. Sexypants showing the unsafe way to screw.


Bathroom and bar, all you need for gaming!  Plus some tables of course.


Safety first!


A lot of work remains to be done: cleaning walls and floor, painting walls and floor, setting up the cabinets…


Den ouwen measuring out his bar Smile


End of the afternoon.


The wonderful new bathroom equipment, delivery and installation sponsored by Soth himself!


The exact positioning of the toilet took 2 full weeks of planning!  But now you can stretch your legs while having a dump!

zondag 1 mei 2011

Entry for the Pendraken 10 mm compo

Pendraken has organized a 10 mm sculpting contest.  Subject is a dungeon monster.  I started with the armature of a little monster that will haunt the dungeondwellers during their sleep.  It will have a elephantlike snout for sucking brains out of unsuspecting sleepers – or wounded adventurers, for that matter.  THe top wire will become a large fang, not unlike the rhino beetle.




Here is step 2: using procreate I sculpted on the basic body shape.  It’ll be on high legs, fast and stealthy, and a decent climber.